Now that summer is ending, you may want to check the base of your mailbox post to see if it has experienced wear and tear resulting from normal summer lawn mowing and weeding eating. If so, Estes Designs Mailbox and Streetscapes has an incredibly easy and innovative solution to address your beat up post base. Installing a new Estes Designs’ trimmer guard to your mailbox post can literally extend the life of your mailbox post, and it takes less than five minutes, saving you time and money.
Estes Designs’ trimmer guards conveniently adjust to the size of your post and are aluminum which won’t rust. The trimmer guard’s durable, pre-bent design results in a uniform, clean straight corner. Not only will this trimmer guard strengthen and secure your post base but it will also protect it from the weather, rust, lawnmower and weed eater! The pictures below show two trimmer guards. The one on the left has experienced wear and tear, but it is much better for the trimmer guard to get beat up rather than your post! The picture on the right is a newly installed trimmer guard. Purchase a trimmer guard on our website now or call 317-899-5556.
We can also install trimmer guards in your entire neighborhood to give your subdivision more curb appeal. If you’re interested in learning more about this option, have someone from your Home Owners Association complete this RFQ Form.