Estes Designs Mailbox and Streetscapes partners with many property managers and homeowner associations to bring a fresh look to communities. Later this month Estes Designs will complete a community-wide mailbox replacement on the north side of Indianapolis.
Estes will be improving the curb appeal of the Oakmont community, a smaller, established, gated community. The president of Oakmont’s Homeowner’s Association reached out to Estes Designs because she wanted a more “substantial” mailbox than the standard type. When Estes met the HOA president on site and showed her the Estes T3 and all its upgraded features, she immediately agreed to buy them. Oakmont community upgraded because they liked the look, durability and features of the Estes mailboxes. The Estes T3 mailboxes’ style and quality also matched the community well. Estes is looking forward to helping Oakmont community build on their unique, high-quality look.
Estes Design Mailbox and Streetscapes looks to bring a refreshed look to any community –whether it be for an entire neighborhood or an individual homeowner. Want to refresh your community? Get your own Estes T3 mailbox or call us at (317) 899-5556.