Estes Designs Mailbox and Streetscapes is on Nextdoor!
Nextdoor is a private social networking service for neighborhoods and a great resource to stay informed about your neighborhood. On Nextdoor you can recommend and comment about businesses that have gained your trust.
We already have several recommendations on Nextdoor. A neighbor from The Westons’ neighborhood commented, “Talked with Ken today at Estes Designs. Nice guy.” Rest assured that we are committed to you. You’re not just another customer, you’re part of the Estes Designs family.
Estes Designs Mailbox and Streetscapes has already helped many neighborhoods around the United States renovate their outdoor space with a new Estes mailbox. We also install Cluster Box Units (CBUs) in neighborhoods and apartment complexes in the local Indianapolis area.
At Estes Designs, we want to get involved with your community and establish meaningful relationships if you’re right here in Indiana or in sunny California. Our products are available on Amazon and on our website. Our goal is to provide exceptional customer service, quality products, and a lasting impact to communities.
If you’ve ordered a product from Estes Designs or had a great experience through our personalized customer service, take a moment to recommend us on Nextdoor!